Friday, July 01, 2016

Hug Hug Power

Yesterday, ace kenna a one hour scolding from me for spending too much time on his phone on first day of school...

Today. ..

Ace: Mummy, can you give me a hug?

Me: Can... But can wait? I am cooking lunch halfway...

Ace: but I cannot wait... If there is no hug hug power, my hand will want to go to the phone and the TV remote...

Me:????? Ok OK.. Come here... *hugz* better already...

Ace: Yes, better...

Win until finish..... Hahahaha...

But leh, I was telling Max that maybe he should learn from Ace:) Cos recently he has been feeling down and as a result, out drinking more often with his friends.... I told him come back and hug hug wife may be better strategy because my teacher, Hideaki, says... "The solution to all problems is to love your spouse more!" Hahahahaha..

Hug hug power FTW!:)

Previous Post: You Must Buy Something For Me!

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