Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Curry Galore!

As you know, every now and then, Ace goes through a new "food phase" where he will want to eat that particular food non stop.

Save for a few things such as mac donalds and chee cheong fun.. everything else will go through this phase:)

His current phase, me and Max are SUPER HAPPY to announce is CURRY!!!!!:)

We have been going to this Indonesian restaurant rather frequently and Ace always says that the food there is too spicy and he will end up eating fried noodles.

One day, he suddenly said he very sick of eating noodles.. so we asked if he would like to eat rice with curry, toufu and vegetables... and he said he will like to try...

After eating, to our surprise, he declared, "这里的咖喱很香!" (the curry tastes very good)

Hahahahaha... so impressed till he even used mandarin to describe it leh!

After that, his attitude towards the Indonesian restaurant took a 360 degrees turnabout!

Usually it will take 10 min of persuasion before Ace will be willing to go there but after this, whenever we say we wenat to go and eat  很香咖喱, Ace will shout "Hooray!" and jump around the house in joy:) wahahahaha...

Sometimes, we sian already right, and we go another restaurant to eat.. we will order a curry as well but the verdict is always... "No, this is not as nice as "很香咖喱""

Anyway, me and Max are going to enjoy this phase while it lasts!:)

Previous Post:  Mothers' Day

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