Friday, January 31, 2014

Ace The Toilet Cleaner

Our good friend ALWAYS forget to flush.. and then leh, after lots of reminders and threats of punishment, our good friend now forget to turn off the tap for washing the bum... cos the tap is faulty, if not turned off, it will leak water. I reminded and reminded and reminded but Ace just cannot seem to remember..

On top of that, he always make the toilet super dirty and never clean up after himself.

So in the end, I decided that I will set a rule. For every 3 times he forget to turn off the tap.. he will have to wash the toilet ONCE! I figured if he gets a chance to wash the toilet, he will understand how tough it is and not dirty the toilet unnecessarily after that!:)

And true enough, he forgot 4 times and so I asked him to please wash the toilet.. hahaha :)

Of course I had to show him how to do it lah. I read the other day that this guy who has 15 children has his kids clean toilets since they were 4.. so I figured it is not too difficult for an 8 year old lah...

He did quite a good job and I told him he has been assigned this as his household task for good:) wahahahaha....

I asked Ace how he felt after washing the toilet... and he said that his arms are aching now.. and now he knows it is not easy to wash toilet.. wahahaha ;)

I am happy to say that Ace doesnt dirty the toilets so much now:) wahahaha...

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