Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Festivals And Birthdays Suck...

While I think life in Dubai is generally good, the one thing I hate most about living in Dubai is that whenever someone in the family is sick.. or celebrating a birthday... or is in trouble... I just feel like shit that I cannot be there next to them to offer them the comfort they need or to celebrate together with them...
At times like this,I feel super duper xian...

The other day was my dad's birthday and as a result, I was in bad mood the whole day.

Whenever festivals come by... I always dread it. Cos the feeling of xianess... just creeps up slowly and hits hard just when I least expect it.. even when I am doing new things and having fun..

Ace leh.. also every now and then tell me he miss singapore.. but his association is always got to do with food... Eg he will miss gong gong.. and miss gong gong chee cheong fun.. and miss nai nai.. and miss nai nai chicken rice.. hahahaha

Of course he also miss popo and miss yeye.. he even misses zeng popo who always nags at him.. wahahaha :) But at least.. now he just talks about them and look sad... last time he will really cry...

Oh well, counting down to CNY trip home!:)

Previous Post: First Friday Brunch In Dubai

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