Tuesday, October 18, 2011


My son is a hungry hippo... Everyday he is just looking for food and more food to eat.. it is like he is never satisfied one lor!

Really dunno how to satisfy him lor...

Anyway, today, he came home from school and ate:
- 4 biscuits,
- one coco crunch snack bar
- 2 mini custard buns
- 2 pieces of chocolate pound cake

And nearing dinner time, he was STILL searching for something to eat!

When I saw him take the white stool to the kitchen, I knew he was trying to find food.. so I asked him, "Ace, what are you doing in the kitchen?"

Knowing that he is busted and wanting to appear seemingly innocent, he gave hell of a lousy excuse...

"I just wanted to do something..."

"What do you want to do?" I asked him...

"I just wanted to see if there are any guns in the kitchen..."


After I asked him a few more times what is it he really wanted to do.. he sheepishly admitted that he was trying to look for MORE food...

It is a wonder why he doesnt seem to grow fat at all!!!!!

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