Saturday, November 13, 2010

This Is What Happens When You Are Greedy!

Ah Yee took out some ginseng sweets from her bag and left them on the table.

I told Ace not to eat them first and wait till tomorrow, thinking tat he already has eaten lots of junk today.

But my greedy, cheeky son tore open the wrapper the moment I opened my mouth and by the time I was done, he gleefully told me, "Too late, I already opened.."

And before Popo could make a comment about how Ace wouldnt like the very strong taste of ginseng, Ace already popped the sweet into his mouth.

One minute later, this was how Ace looked like..


Ace asked me, "Mummy.. why this sweet so smelly one..." I told him that that is the taste of ginseng and ginseng is some sort of herb and it has a strong taste. Some people actually do like this taste and think it smells good and ginseng is good for the body and will give the body energy.
And then he sit in one corner of the sofa and quietly bear the discomfort while covering his nose.. about 5 min later, he really couldn't bear it anymore and asked me if he could spit it out..

I told him to spit it out into the dustbin and he quickly went to spit it out :)

Hahahaha.. I think he tried to bear with it for 5 min because he knew it was his own fault he had to eat this "Smelly Sweet" hahahhahahha

Previous Post: Say Sorry Lah!

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