Saturday, August 28, 2010

Policeman Ace

Ace was so happy when Net Net said he wanted to throw away some of his old uniform that he cannot fit anymore and so Ace took one and said he wanted to become policeman uniform (his daddy's uniform was used as doctor's shirt).

But after he put on the uniform, he complained to me that there is no "this thing on the shoulder". I asked him if he was referring to the blue colour rank that goes on Daddy's shirt as well.... and he said YES...

I told Max about it and he said it is ok to use his rank.

The next day, when I was going out, Ace asked me where I was going and I told him we are going back to our own house.

"Mummy, can you help me take the blue blue thing for the police shirt? Can you don't forget to take for me please? Can you don't forget?"

And so I REALLY did NOT forget.. hahaha ;)

He was so excited when I reached home and he immediately wanted to put it on his shirt and took out all his baton, badge, walkie talkie and started to be a policeman WHO WRITES REPORTS!


Previous Post: Courage

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