Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ace's Makeover


I should have taken more photos during the studio shot... the bloody photog tat took my son's photo ran away with the flashcard (when the company closed down) and I did not get his photos at all... after all the trouble I took.. :S

And then leh, all tat is left are just some random ones tat I took ad hoc at the exhibition...

But all in all, I guess maybe Ace is not meant to be a model... or get makeover pics done..

I let him take part in some contest and he won a makeover.. I was told to to xxx location at an exhibition to take the photos but when i reached there, they said they have decided to do the photos another day.... they never even apologized and i asked if they could just take some photos...

And then next day they sent me an email to go to some studio to take photos.. I made an appt and then made special arrangement to bring Ace there, let him make up, do his hair and took some really nice photos..... but i shy and din dare to use my camera to take too many pics too close....

And then a week later, the bloody studio closed down cos the owner ran away and he ran away with the equipment and the flashcard tat has my son's photos...

Bloody hell $%($)%*$(%*$()%*$()%*$*%$*%)$*...

I complained and then after chasing the people in charge for 2 weeks, I finally got these photos.. such a pity.. the other studio shots were much nicer.. maybe I shouldn't be a cheapo and should pay for some good photos for Ace...

Hai.. i was still thinking when I get th enice photos, i can send to ad agencies to ad agencies and maybe let him get into some auditions or casting call because some how he i snow much better than posing than before:)

Sigh.. maybe he is not meant to be a model but meant to be POLICEMAN.. ask him to catch tat person who STEAL his photos.. hahahahah

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