Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Can You Sleep With Me?

The other day, in the middle of the night, Ace suddenly woke up and he came to my room and asked me "Mummy, can you come and sleep with me?"

And so I went over to sleep with him.

The next day, I asked him why he needed me to go and sleep with him in the middle of the night and he told me, "Because I wake up and there is no one there. There is no one to protect me... I am so scared..."

"What are you scared of?"I asked him.. (expecting him to answer along the lines of some monster or wat..)

"I am so afraid the big bad wolf will come and catch me..." he said.

Hahahaha.. my son is different I must say :) Other people are afraid of monsters and he is afraid of the big bad wolf...

So I told him that the big bad wolf is not real and just in the story. Is he little red riding hood or xiao tu guai guai? If not, there is no need to be afraid and I will surely protect him... and then he was pacified...

Maybe I should teach him to sing this little ditty i learnt while watching cartoons "Whose afraid of the big bad wolf, big bad wolf, big bad wolf... whose afraid of the big bad wolf, lalalalalaaaaa.."

Previous Post: Seperation Anxiety?

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