Sunday, November 09, 2008

Kukabara Ace

Back track a little to talk about Ace's concert again...

Since two months ago, I already knew that Ace would be dancing to the song of Kukabara... But maybe because I had high expectations after watching their many years of amazing performances in school, or maybe it is because Ace is prone to doing free style when it comes to dancing, I din quite understand why Ace would always jump up and down when I ask him to dance the kukabara dance for me...

Only when I watched his performance in school that day that I finally understood :)

Anyway, I am very proud of my son. I think he performed the best in his class..
He had the warmest smile
Jumped the highest
Seemed the most enthusiastic
Had the loudest cheer

Sorry that the quality of the video and pics are not that good. I was sitting quite far away and this is the best my camera could do under such dim lighting conditions and such a huge distance apart :)

Previous Post: I Like To Eat Rice

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