Friday, June 20, 2008

Ace Was Sick

For the first time in 3 years, Ace fell really sick.. dunno whether it is because of the weather or is it because of virus or watever reason.. Ace fell really sick.. he was running a high fever and was coughing and having a running nose..

And boy was it tough... day in and day out, had to take care of him, towel him to wet him.... and he perpetually wants to sleep...

I must say tat Ace is really a good boy.. most children in this situation would be crying and whining and making a big fuss but all Ace does is that he comes to me and tells me, "Mummy, can you rock rock please? I want to sleep..." And if I stop, he wakes up.. so I spend alot of time rocking him to sleep...

By the second and third day, he was coughing so badly that if he drank water or milk, he would vomit it out as he coughed...

And I must say this baby falls sick with style...

First when he sleeps, he can even sleep talk and ask me, "Shi shen me lai de..." And continues to sleep...

And because his dad told him that if he recovers, we will bring him to mac donalds and bring him to the playground, midway through one of his naps he woke up crying and asked me, "Wo yao qu gai gai.. where is my shoe, where is my shoe?"

And then when he is awake and his daddy calls him to ask him how he is.. the first thing he says is "Mac donald, playground.."

The best one took place while we were watching Hanna's Hotline on TV. He was singing the song... "Moo baa, double duck double duck..." and then he vomited *vomits* and after that he continues "Moo baa, double duck double duck..." and he just continued singing as if nothing happened...

Boy am I glad now that he is ok ;)

Previous Post: Friend! Friend!

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