Thursday, May 22, 2008


If you see Ace saying, "mmmm... mmmm...." he is not practising how to pronounce the letter M.

If you see him doing that, he is most likely trying to push an object into another object because that is Ace trying to make juice for us. Hahaha..

Avid juice drinkers, we drink juice for breakfast every single day. So every morning, waigong will make juice for us using our Phillips juicer... "Mmmmm......" goes the juicer.

Recently, Ace has taken to trying to help Waigong make juice.

"I want to drink juice!" he will tell waigong. "I want to mmmmm......" says Ace, imitating the sound of the juicer.

So nowadays, he only wants to drink the juice he makes. And if I am drinking juice, he wants to make my juice as well.

At night or in the afternoon when he is playing by himself, he will take two cups and fit them into each other and say, "mmmm....." and after that he will ask Zhen Popo, "Do you want apple? Apple gei ni hao ma?"


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