Thursday, March 20, 2008


Ace has quite a good memory of people now...

When ganma Karen came to visit him, the moment he saw her, he called "Ganma!"

The other day, I met up with Melvin and Germaine and they brought Tiffany along. I showed Tiffany Ace's photos and told her, "handsome gor gor..." and then she giggled and smiled. she might have remembered Ace as they just played together at jez's house.

Anyway, we were playing with the camera and I took some photos of tiffany.

The other day when i was downloading the photos and Ace was sitting beside me. So I pointed to the photos and asked Ace, "Who is that?"

"Tifanny!" He said.

Is Tifanny pretty?

"Tifanny mei mei.." he replied.


I called Germaine and told her about it and she was also really amused... guess we might have good chance of becoming in laws in future! MUAHAHAHA....

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