Sunday, January 06, 2008

One More Time!

I just realized that Ace is starting to speak more and more words in one sentence. Now, on the average he can do 3-4 word sentences and can say things like, "It is a car! It is a bicycle!"

I was really amused though the other day when he was playing with himself... he would rearrange all the plastic pipes that came in his goal post toy that Megan gave him.

After he finished arranging, he will clap his hands and wait for me and Waigong to clap for him. After he is done clapping, he will mess the whole thing up and declare, "One more time!"

I also dunno where he learnt that phrase and was really surprised to hear it. My mum says he probably learnt it from teacher Ivy at Shichida Method.

That is not so bad... a cause for worrying is that I noticed that he can say things like Santa Clause, christmas tree and sing Jingle Bells even though I did not teach him any of these at all! I suspect all this input came from all the TV that he watched... must be very careful about what programme he watches now man...

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