Friday, January 25, 2008

I am so clever

The other day, Ace ran to me and said, "Mummy, rock rock!" which is his indication that he wanted an afternoon nap.

So I was carrying him and rocking him and he happened to be looking into the direction of the kitchen.

He saw the juicer that has not been washed yet and then he told me, "Drink juice drink juice... gong gong xi xi xi..." Translated to English, it means "How come Waigong hasn't washed the juicer after we drink it?"

I found it really amusing and turned around to tell my grandma in Teochew what happened. And when I was done with my story, Ace added, "So clever...."

When Waigong came back... I told Waigong about the story and when I ended, Ace ran over and told me, "Wo cong ming!" (which meant I am clever)

I told Daddy about this and he says Ace has an ego bigger than Utah! Hahaha.. I call this confidence! Ask him who is clever, handsome, cute and who is the best, who is the most well liked, he will tell you, "Wo!" (Me) with his hands raised up:P

Previous Post: Ace can say his age!

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