Thursday, January 17, 2008

All Children Are Gifts

You know, when I was younger, we would watch those drama series and then it would always feature the very fillial sons and daughters versus the villains... and then my mum will say to me, "Some children are born to return a favour or return some debt they owe you, some are here to ask for a favour or get the debt that you owe them."

And I would wonder which type of children I belong to.

Sometimes, my mum as a buddhist leader in Singapore Soka Association, will hear sad stories from parents about how their children are nasty.. and also some beautiful stories about how the children kept the family going and then she will tell me, "Some children are born to return a favour or return some debt they owe you, some are here to ask for a favour or get the debt that you owe them."

And I would wonder which type of children I belong to.

But now after so many POVs, I have a conclusion.. that all children are here to return the favour because as children, our gift for our parents is just so that they can be better. As children, our duty is to help our parents, no matter what we do.

After so many POVs, I have one conclusion that no matter what they do on the surface and whether we 'judge' their actions as good or bad.. all children only have ONE WISH.. and that is to save their family so that their family can be happy... So I say.. all children are GIFTS.

You see.. 'good children' are but just playing the roles of either the hero or the matyr... and then, bad children are also playing roles... of the scapegoat... so they are all role playing and they do all these just because they thought that if they do this, it will help the family or will save the family.

Bad children think that if they did all very bad things, the bad stuff will come to them and this will keep the others in the family (especially the parents) safe. Though it is not a good strategy, but let's just say that they did their best.

And also, sometimes, I think 'bad children' are just here to remind us as parents that there are some things that we have not healed yet or come to terms yet in our lives. Children are but a reflection of our sub concious mind... so if you see your children doing something you dun like, that means you have a belief that you are like tat as well... just heal it, move forward and choose happiness!

Previous Post: Daddy, Careful!

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