Monday, May 14, 2007

Very Happy Baby

If there is one thing I learnt about Ace... he is a very happy baby.. I am very proud of the fact that my baby is a very happy one as compared to most children I know ;)

He is mostly smiley and happy and is always happy and cheery... Since young, he has had this good deposition of always smiling. He rarely cries and has occasional tantrums like most kids but is always very enthusiastic and happy.

When he goes to his Shichida class and the teacher gets him to do the recognize the numbers activity, Ace always would give a LOUD , "YEAH!!!!!!" and clap very enthusiastically and loudly when that happens.

All the other children merely clap.

On hindsight, I think it is because we encourage Ace by shouting and clapping loudly whenever he does something right and his enthusiasm is a mirror for our enthusiasm...

Actually, I was looking through my phone and I found this video clip..

gosh! I think Ace is sooo cute and he has really come far.. then he could barely walk. Now, he can climb, jump, run and even FLY! hahaha...

Well, Angel Mummy and Max daddy... GREAT JOB! YEAH!!!!! *CLAPS*

Previous Post: Dancing Baby

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