Thursday, April 26, 2007

I love my Shichida Lessons!

I think I mentioned before... I have finally sent Ace to Shichida's Method for lessons because after POV, I started to think that intuition is a very important asset to have because it can really help us understand ourselves and the people around us quickly.

The first time I went to shichida's preview, I was impressed with this testimonial that said that the little boy is taekwando champion cos he could intuitively know what moves his opponents are making.

After I got more in touch with my intuition and feelings, I think this really makes it easier for us to get in touch with people and since relationships are so important, this asset is very important.

I am happy to say that I feel that after going with Ace to the lessons, I also feel as if I have stronger intuition. Today I met someone for the first time and the moment he walked in, I knew he was an insurance agent! hahaha...

Anyway, I love the lessons and I think Ace loves them too. He is doing great and is one of the most well behaved little boys in class... cos most of the time he will sit and listen and watch patiently. Only like every 15 minutes or so, he would need to walk around and go 'talk' to some friends.

Anyway, I have been observing Ace during class and here are a few new things I found out about Ace:

Super Networker
You know how I always say Ace is the greatest networker in the world. (He is born for taking over my business I tell you) When he goes to Shichida early. Most kids will stick to themselves or they would try to play with the other children. Ace goes and shake the child's hands and then goes and hug all the other parents. He knows who are the influential ones and goes and PR with them NATURALLY!

Caring Baby
Well, midway through class the other day, Ace just stopped doing everything that he was doing and went to the back of the class to sayang a crying classmate. What a loving and caring baby!

I love numbers and colours!
Ace is great I tell you ;) When his teacher asked him to clap when he sees the green number 1, he claps for all numbers that are green.. but when the one appears, he claps especially hard and even says "YEAH!"

Good dancer
Well, there was a segment which required dancing and I think Ace is the most musically inclined among his classmates as he was the only one clapping and shaking his butt to the music. Erm.. actually his mummy also the one shaking the most so I guess it could have been in inherited talent.. muahahaha...

Anyway, for those who are keen to steal some ideas about what to do with babies, you can check out my NEW BLOG: Training For Babies.

Previous post: Good Sense Of Direction

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