Monday, March 19, 2007

Remote Control Finger

Ace has a new favourite pose.


That is because, he has discovered the joys of POINTING his finger at things that he wants. Now, his finger acts like a remote control.

He will walk to me, open his arms and ask to be carried. When I carry him, he will point to the direction he wants to go. I will walk a few steps in that direction, stop, and he will point again. Doing this repeatedly, he is able to navigate and make me carry him from our bedroom to the kitchen.. and then, he will point at the things he wants to eat.

The other day, I was in the room typing something… Ace came into the room and pointed to me…. And then he pointed to the door. Meaning? He wants me to go out of the room with him.

It is almost as if he has this belief: POINT AND YOU WILL BE GIVEN.

I am almost afraid that because of this, he will not want to speak and wants to live a life of pointing fingers.. hahahaha…

Previous Post: Geh Kiang

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