Friday, March 30, 2007

Do Babies Learn By Themselves?

As Ace never seems to amaze me... I keep asking myself this question. Just how do babies learn?

I am more and more convinced that they have this great memory where they remember every thing they see.. even if they only saw it once or twice and when the time is right, they will do what they remember.

Xiangling gave us this wooden rocking horse for quite some time liao. I have been trying to get Ace interested in the horse by trying to rock the horse while sitting on it to show him how it is being played.

But he just doesn't get it and likes to just rock the horse while standing beside it or sit on the horse but refuse to rock it.

I showed this to him like twice and since he didn't show any interest, I just gave up.

The other day, he walked to the horse, climbed in himself, started rocking and even tried to stand up while rocking.

Wah, I didn't teach him that hor!

And then when he got tired of it, he climbed off the horse and went to play with something else.

How do you suppose Ace learnt that??

Previous Post: I Can TYPE!

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