Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Unconditional Love

Ace is a wonderful baby who shows unconditional love. I really learnt one VALUABLE lesson from Ace that day.

That day, we went to Richie Ah Ye and Jez Ah Ma's house for CNY visiting.

Tashi invited her neighbour to her party at home and so Tashi, Oracle, Neighbour, Ace all played together in the girl's bedroom.

For me, that was a heaven sent opportunity to relax. This is the first CNY visit where I dun have to run after Ace and fear that he will topple things over or eat anything that he should not.

And since no one screamed or shouted or came to complain... I took it that all the 4 children were having alot of fun...

After a while, I decided to go and take a peep at what is happening in the room.

Neighbour was on the upper deck of the double decker bed. Ace was on the ladder that leads to the upper deck. He was looking at her and giggling and smiling... I think Ace assumed they were playing hide and seek and wanted to go and hug her.

Neighbour stood at the end of the ladder on the upper deck and said, "Go away. You cannot come up...go away.. shoo shoo... "

She waved her hands and even made the motion of wanting to hit Ace and I looked at her. I think she did not realize that I am Ace's mother.

"Go away.... "

At that moment, I felt really indignant for Ace. What did he do wrong to deserve such treatment right?

But Ace was nonplussed and NEVER felt upset at all. He just ran around the room, looked at her and giggled.

I asked her, "Why can't didi come up?"

"Cos he will spoil the book"

"It's ok." Said Tashi.

"No, I don't want him to spoil the book!" Neighbour insisted and repeated that again and again.

"It's OK!" Tashi said.

"It's ok!" magnimous Tashi said again and again when neighbour started whining about the book...

Tashi looked at neighbour with an exasperated face. She looked as if she was thinking. "What's wrong with this girl. So what if he spoils the book. It is my book and I already told you it is ok."

After a while, Neighbour finally revealed why she was afraid to come down and let Ace go near her. She asked me, "Why... why does he like me so much. I don't even know him. Why does he like me so much huh?"

When I told Max about this, his first reaction was, "What a poor little thing. So young and she already feels unworthy of recieving unconditional love."

Ace really is exemplary of giving unconditional love.

And this reminds me of a story my mentor told me....

There was once a man... who saw a scorpion that was almost drowning in water. Being a compassionate person, he tried to pick it up to save the scorpion.

At this moment the scorpion stinged him and hurt him. His friend asked him, "Why did you bother to save the scorpion when you know it would sting you. Isn't that stupid?"

He replied, "It's ok. It is his innate nature to sting when people touch him... but it is also my innate nature to help something or someone in need."

I think that day, this was the lesson I learnt from Ace.

You go, boy!

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