Monday, May 29, 2006

Paper Monster

Have you ever watched Sesame Street?

If you havent and ain't working, you really ought to watch it at 12.30pm everyday.. i watch together with Ace and find it really quite amusing..

There is a character in Sesame Street called Cookie Monster who is all blue and loves to eat cookies.. whenever he sees cookies, he will bite them into pieces... cos he just come help it and cos, "Me loves... COOKIES!!!!"

Well, dunno is it because Ace is watching Cookie Monster or because he is teething again (his teeth on the upper side are coming out as well...) he is turning into a paper monster and I really dun dare to pass him any paper now..

That day, he ate two pieces of paper in a row!

In the morning, Ace was playing with this paper envelope happily because it has alot of sound. Since he has been playing with the same envelope for the past few days, I did not really pay much attention to it... suddenly, when I was talking to Daddy over the phone, i saw him bite off a piece of the envelope. I immediately hung up and asked him to spit it out but the more i tried ot open his mouth, the tighter he tried to close it... sigh.. and so.. he swallowed it..

I was very angry with him and so I scolded him and put him in the playpen and left him alone as punishment after I told him why he should not bite off paper and swallow it...

Apparently, he didn't really understand any of it...

Cos later in the day, he picked up another piece of paper and bite off one corner of it again!

So angry with him... Told Waipo and Waipo told him that only kar chua (Cockroaches) eat paper.. "Are you a kar chua?" she asked him.. I am wondering if cockraoches are called Kar chua in hokkien because they eat paper cos if you translate literally, it does mean "EAT PAPER"..

When I told his ganma Seok Ling, she asked me if Ace ate up 2A4 pieces of paper...

I think if he did that, I am going to erupt like a volcano man...

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